GifCities, a super fly archive where most of the gifs on this site came from! Part of the Internet Archive.
Glitter-Graphics, a treasure trove of glitter banners, backgrounds, dolls, clipart, and text generators. Also a source for images on this site.
REPTH, a Neocities site by Remy where we found the HTML template for this site layout.
Our site host Neocities is home to an amazing amount of creative fun websites - explore!
Did you know the Chesapeake Bay is a drowned river valley formed from glaical meltwater?!
The Chesapeake Bay is home to the largest crater discovered in the U.S., created by a meteorite that struck Earth 35 mil. years ago. The meteorite also buried and trapped a pocket of anciet seawater, which could be 100 to 145 mil. years old. It's the oldest body of seawater ever identified and its twice as salty as modern seawater.
Bog iron deposits in the Pocomoke River basin once fueled a factory outside Snow Hill that smelted approx. 700 tons of iron between 1830 and 1850. Jack's ancestors (the Fooks) lived in Snow Hill at the time.
Enjoy this 7,000 year history on the geology of the Chesapeake Bay's oyster reefs.
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