Festive, cocktail attire, ie. whatever feels fancy and fun to you. The historic average temperature for September 21 is in the high sixties.
Comfortable, stable footwear is recommended, stilletos are not. There are uneven brick sidewalks in Chestertown. There is gravel at Shepherd’s Delight Farm and, while the weather *will* be perfect on the wedding day ;) the ground may be soft and the reception tent will be on grass without a floor.
You can park in the side streets of Chestertown or public parking lots. Both the courthouse and Kent County Public Library reliably have space. The courthouse parking lot is nextdoor to the church, the library is a 5 minute walk.
There may be a historic car show setting up in downtown Chestertown prior to the ceremony which could limit available street parking space.
You can either drive to the farm or take a bus we have set up from Chestertown to the Farm.
Buses will depart from Chestertown to the farm at 4:45 and approximately 5:30. The bus holds about 45 people. If you are able, please consider spending some extra time in Chestertown and taking the second bus in the event that the first bus fills up. Click here to let us know if you'd like to take the bus so we can anticipate ridership!
We will have shuttles running from Shepherd’s Delight back to Chestertown from 8:00-11:30pm.
If you drive, please try to fit 2-5 people in your car to preserve parking space at the farm. You can park in marked spots. Please park efficiently! If you catch a ride to the farm but want to return via shuttle, you are more than welcome to do so!
We appreciate the thought, but please do not! We do not have a way to bring gifts from Chestertown to Minnesota.
Yes! We will share photos of the wedding afterward. We respectfully ask that you do not take cellphone photos during the ceremony. We'll have better ones to share with you!
Yes! Check out the bottom of our “Travel and Lodging” page for suggestions.